Happy Sunday Evening everyone!
Well- maybe not so happy since Sunday evening means work tomorrow morning for most. Oh well... make the most of it while you can!
This weekend was great after the week of sickness that I had. Luckily I think it was just a stomach bug and nothing to do with my weight loss surgery. It's definitely scary the first time you get sick after surgery since you don't know which of the two it is.
Anyways- on Saturday Kevin (the BF) and I took Olivia to the Humane Society Walktoberfest. It was a rainy dreary day, but we waited at Kevin's for the rain to subside a little bit then we were on our way! It was fun, there were free doggie goodies and raffles (I won a Trader Joes bag of goodies that I am picking up this week! Go me!)
Here we are chillin and waiting for the rain to stop. Also, I don't want to toot my own horn, but my side belly looks damn good haha (wls win!!) After the walk we just hung out at Kevin's. Olivia was OBSESSED with the upstairs of his house. All she wanted to do was go up and down (and this is a dog who doesn't like stairs!)
Today (Sunday) we got up super early and headed out the the American Cancer Society Making Strides for Breast Cancer Walk in Nashua, NH. it was 3.5 miles and I raised $200! I walked with Katrina, Judy, and Kevin and it was a great time. I also entered some raffles for some great items there!
After the walk, I grabbed a protein bar for lunch and headed out to Brookdale Fruit Farm in Hollis, NH for some more apple picking. I am making my applesauce as I type. Yum!
This is my haul from this time around. I think it will be the last time this season... I think... I see no sugar added desserts in my near future!
After apple picking we went to Lull Farm (also in Hollis) to pick up some items and lo and behold, they had a traveling wood fire grilled pizza place set up outside! Kevin got a personal pizza (and I had a slice since it was thin crust). OMG it was soooo good!! Loaded with yummy bell peppers, cheese, and sauce. Delicious. We went back to hjs house to watch the Patriots game (yay, we won!! But my <3 Danny Woodhead got injured!). During my nap I got a call from a woman (she left a voice mail) telling me that she was from the Making Strides Committee and I had won not one, but TWO of the raffle prizes at the event. My Mom, a 5 year breast cancer survivor, and I are going to pick up my loot tomorrow morning.
I made out like a bandit this weekend. Maybe I should play the lottery!! Or... maybe I should enter my favorite blogger, Eggface's Celebrate Vitamins Giveaway! I know I will definitely do that, and you should too! It's loaded with all different Celebrate vitamins goodies, a blender bottle, and a vitamin holder! Go check it out!
Time to play Pottermore- yes I know, I'm a dork!
Miss Pink